Twenty-five years ago, SPECSERV Inc. introduced DAKU, the first European-designed green roof garden system, to the Philippine Market. DAKU's design limited the use of plant boxes to 70% soft scape (greens) and 30% hardscape (concrete). Roof gardens facilitated a much cooler environment for the building and its surroundings. Over time DAKU has been proven successful.

DAKU's engineering design is intended for commercial and industrial establishments with limited care and maintenance. Thousands of square meters of DAKU roof gardens have been installed in Metro Manila and Cebu without any problems. Still, they exist today, with the oldest being twenty-three years old.

SPECSERV Inc. reengineered DAKU to serve homeowners. Lot sizes range from 200-300 square meters, depriving homeowners of a luscious green garden. Thus the birth of BUNGKAL, the Homeowners Roof Garden System.

Lot sizes range from 200-300 square meters, depriving homeowners of a luscious green garden.

BUNGKAL (Bubong Kalikasan), or Nature's Roof, is made to be affordable to homeowners. BUNGKAL possesses the characteristics that make DAKU great; leakproof, lightweight, low maintenance, and long-lasting. The only difference is that now it is within reach of the homeowner.

Learn more about BUNGKAL here

For inquiries please send us an email; specservinc.main@gmail.com


Building Dreams and Foundations - SPECSERV Inc. Turns 40


How a Roof Garden Helped People Survive Quarantine